E2 Visa Program for as low as $100.000

The E-2 visa program is a non-immigrant visa program offered by the United States to individuals from certain countries who wish to invest in and manage a business in the USA. This program allows foreign nationals to enter and work in the country based on their investment. The minimum investment required for the E-2 visa program can vary, as there is no fixed amount set by the U.S. government. The investment amount should typically be in proportion to the total cost of establishing or purchasing the business and should demonstrate the applicant's commitment to the enterprise.

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E2 Visa Program za samo $100.000

Program za vizu E-2 je neimigrantski vizni program koji Sjedinjene Američke Države nude pojedincima iz određenih zemalja koji žele ulagati i upravljati poslovanjem u SAD-u. Ovaj program omogućava stranim državljanima da uđu i rade u zemlji na osnovu njihovih ulaganja. Minimalna investicija potrebna za program E-2 viza može varirati, jer vlada SAD-a ne postavlja fiksni iznos. Iznos investicije obično treba da bude proporcionalan ukupnim troškovima osnivanja ili kupovine preduzeća i treba da pokaže predanost podnosioca zahteva preduzeću.